
Ne várjatok túl sokat a világvégétől (Csortos)

Ne várjatok túl sokat a világvégétől (Csortos)

Nu aștepta prea mult de la sfârșitul lumii
Romanian-Luxembourgian satire, 163 min, 2023
in original (Romanian and English) languages with Hungarian subtitles

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, December 07 2024 12:45PM

Director: Radu Jude
Cast: Ilinca Manolache, Ovidiu Pîrșan, Nina Hoss, Dorina Lazăr, Katia Pascariu, Uwe Boll

Every film by Radu Jude is an event, and Do Not Expect Too Much of the End of the World is no exception. Two years after winning the Golden Bear, Jadu returns with yet another brilliant and bitingly witty satire. In the first part of the film, we follow Angela, an underpaid production assistant, who roams the streets of Bucharest in her car, searching for the location of a corporate video shoot. In the second part, we witness the scandal that erupts because of the video – and its cover-up. A delightful road movie and a sharp commentary on Romanian society, this film is a playful manipulation of form and food for thought about the flexibility of labor and the superficiality of digital media culture. Junte’s movie satirizes the emerging absolutism of our times with rare wit and intelligence.

Locarno Film Festival: Golden Leopard (best director); the jury's special prize; the special prize of the ecumenical jury; young film critics award.
Hamburg Film Festival: Film Critics Award.
Mexico Black Canvas Film Festival: Young Critics Award - Best Film.
Romania's Oscar nomination in the best international film category.
The best film nomination of the European Film Academy in 2023.
Festivals: New York Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, BFI London, Viennale, Chicago, Busan, Ghent International Film Festivals, etc.

Premier: 2024.11.21.

Distributor: magyarhangya

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