
HERMÉSZ - Gerzson Péter Kovács - TranzDanz

HERMÉSZ - Gerzson Péter Kovács - TranzDanz

We don’t really understand why he does what he does – Hermes is an enigma. His personality irritates us, yet there is something about him that captivates us. How does he enchant us? What is at the heart of the magic that this taboo-breaking, charming and arrogant trickster casts on us?

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Neither angelic nor demonic, he is ambivalence incarnate. He is neither god nor animal, and more human than either, but not quite human. Exuberantly cheerful and theatrical, he is an old man and a young, erotic athlete all at once. A master of crude pranks, he’s also dangerous, cynical and cruel. He’s destructive and comic, but he also carries the seriousness of a hero who is at the mercy of his own desires, like a child...

We try to suppress our darker side, but we can’t escape its influence, so we project it onto a mythical being outside ourselves. He is the archetype of the trickster, who is all about channelling our own shadow. This persona lurks within all of us, which is why we are so drawn to it.

He flatters, mocks, cavorts, contemplates, pursues, flees, fights, wins and loses; sells and betrays, seduces and abandons... in this new production by TranzDanz.


Hermész: Attila Tókos, Gyula Harangozó Award, Junior Prima Award dancer

Music: Jeromos Kovács - Music Editor, Producer

Choreographer, Visual Designer: Gerzson Péter Kovács, Gyula Harangozó Award, double Rudolf Lábán Award


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