Budapesti Klasszikus Film Maraton 2024: Hair (Csortos)
American-West German musical, colour, 121 min, 1979
In English language, with Hungarian subtitles
American-West German musical, colour, 121 min, 1979
In English language, with Hungarian subtitles
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Last event date: Sunday, September 22 2024 12:15PM
Director: Miloš Forman
Written by James Rado, Gerome Ragni
Screenplay by Michael Weller
Director of photography: Miroslav Ondříček
Music by Galt MacDermot
Cast: John Savage, Treat Williams, Beverly D’Angelo
Open Archives / Archive treasures
Introduction by: Attila Vörös, MWA, Klang operator, projectionist, NFI - Film Archive
Miloš Forman’s evergreen movie musical is set in America during the Vietnam war. Claude, the respectful country boy, is about to enlist when he stumbles upon a fun-loving group of hippies in New York. He initially plans to spend his last free day visiting the Empire State Building, but instead he gets swept up in the colourful whirlwind of hippie life. He learns why long hair is important and monogamy is not; he ends up in jail; bathes naked in a public park and last but not least, finds real friends. But unfortunately, there are some things that are not a joke…
Supporting film: Nights on the Boulevard
Hungarian animation, colour, 1972, dir: György Kovásznai, Language: Hungarian, Subtitles: English, 9’
Distributor: Nemzeti Filmintézet - Filmarchívum
More information on the Budapest Classic Film Marathon's program at Uránia >>
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