Budapesti Klasszikus Film Maraton 2024: A szauna (Csortos)
Naine kütab sauna
Estonian drama, bw, 69 min, 1978
In Estonian, Russian and French languages, with English and Hungarian subtitles
Naine kütab sauna
Estonian drama, bw, 69 min, 1978
In Estonian, Russian and French languages, with English and Hungarian subtitles
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Last event date: Sunday, September 22 2024 10:45AM
Director: Arvo Kruusement
Written by Villem Gross
Screenplay by Vladimir Valutskiy
Director of photography: Jüri Garsnek
Music by Veljo Tormis
Cast: Ita Ever, Aarne Üksküla, Katrin Välbe
Programme section "Open Archives" / Estonian Film Archive
On 19.09 introduction by: Introduction by: Triinu Keedus, Project Manager of Film Heritage Department, Estonian Film Institute
Hungarian-made Ikarusz buses can handle the hard Estonian winters. This is one more thing that is apparent from the Estonian film classic adapted from the Villem Gross novel. Anu has to travel to the countryside in snowy, bitterly cold weather to get everything ready for the arrival of illustrious guests, especially the sauna. If one is looking for the forerunner of Smoke Sauna Sisterhood in this film, they’ll find it. The advantage and the essence of this work is the female perspective, showing the fates women endure. It is a bittersweet critique of a male-dominated society. Anu is a strong and independent woman who is forced to face her past in this rural town.
Supporting film: Salty Slops
Hungarian animation, colour, 1969, dir: Péter Szoboszlay, Language: Hungarian, Subtitles: English, 4’
Distributor: Nemzeti Filmintézet - Filmarchívum
More information on the Budapest Classic Film Marathon's program at Uránia >>
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