A lé meg a Lola (German Films 70)
Lola rennt
West German feature film, 81 min, 1998
in German, with Hungarian subtitles
Lola rennt
West German feature film, 81 min, 1998
in German, with Hungarian subtitles
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Last event date: Wednesday, February 26 2025 7:30PM
Director: Tom Tykwer
screenwriter: Tom Tykwer
cinematographer: Frank Griebe
editing: Mathilde Bonnefoy
cast: Franka Portente, Moritz Bleibtreu, Herbert Knaup
Manni is in real trouble. He has left the plastic bag containing the 100,000 Deutschmarks he was supposed to be handing over to a fence back in the underground train that he hadn’t actually wanted to use in the first place. In desperation, he calls Lola, his girlfriend. She has 20 minutes to get the money and bring it to Manni.
So Lola has to start running and her journey through the German capital becomes a breathtaking sightseeing tour away from familiar tourist clichés. The film is an exploration of emotions and experiences. Philosophy on the asphalt of the big city. And naturally also an expression of joy at the most impossible possibilities of cinematic storytelling. The film marked the beginning of director Tom Tykwer's international career (Perfume, Cloud Atlas, Babylon Berlin series).
Photo: Run Lola Run © X Filme Creative Pool GmbH
More information about the series GENERATIONS – GERMAN FILMS 70 >>
Regular ticket price: 2500 HUF
Discounted ticket price: 1900 HUF
The discount is available
- for pensioners/students/teachers (at the cash desk only)
- for people whobuy tickets for at least 4 titles from the series at once (available also online)
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